Drawing up a lifeline installation project is a task that must be carried out by professionals who have a certain level of experience in lifeline projects. In this way we can guarantee that everything will go as it should and that the project will be carried out in accordance with current regulations and will comply with all the standards it has to meet.
What is thelifeline?
The first step in developing the lifeline project is to be clear about what the lifeline is for. and to know, in short, what it is. The lifeline is nothing more or less than a form of continuous anchorage. It will be used by workers to connect a mooring system they may have or their rope and thus be able to move around.
The movement can take place vertically or horizontally. In addition, a fall arrest system connected to the lifeline must be installed to ensure that absolutely nothing will happen to the worker in the event of a fall. The horizontal or vertical lifeline must be strong enough to withstand the impact of a hypothetical fall, protecting both the worker and the anchorage supports of the lifeline itself.
Lifeline installation
Lifelines can be installed either by the person who is going to use them or by other professionals who leave the installation ready for use. It should be borne in mind that depending on the type of work to be carried out, one type of line or another will be chosen.
There are rope, cable and webbing lifelines and, as mentioned above, the choice of one or the other depends on the type of work to be carried out.
When to install a lifeline?
It is essential to know that in jobs where the safety and stability of the worker may be compromised, a lifeline must be installed. These types of jobs are often at heights, where lifelines are indispensable. But lifelines can also be seen near holes where there is a possibility of falling, on embankments, roofs and at the edge of slabs.
Any situation that comes to mind where there is a potential risk of a fall is an ideal place to install a lifeline. These are situations where the safety belt or harness worn by the worker needs to be anchored to provide a safe working environment.
Issues that lifelines seek to avoid
Lifelines are installed to promote a completely safe working environment. Prior to the requirement for lifelines and sometimes in unprofessional environments, improvised elements are used, which are frequently seen in works. We are talking about ropes, cables and other types of elements that can be used to try, mistakenly, to use as a safety element.
These elements are not safe and are not standardised. They have not been used in any test to guarantee their safety and should therefore be prohibited and discouraged. On many occasions, these elements are attached to elements and places that do not have the rigidity or adequate characteristics to support anyone’s weight, nor to prevent a fall.
These are common problems on construction sites and similar that lifelines solve and banish completely. Working safely is essential and having properly developed lifelines is key to a safe working environment.